Introduction XP is a Note (NFT) metadata trait that grows every second depending on how much KEROSENE the Note has deposited. XP is bound to the Notes once they earn it (non-transferrable token), and slashed proportionally when KEROSENE is withdrawn, incentivizing long-term deposits without hard locks.
XP utility XP boosts your yield in the dyad ecosystem. i.e., when a noteholder provides liquidity in one of the incentivized DYAD pools, their relative share of accumulated XP increases their KEROSENE yield in the pool. In other words: The XP system directs yield to Notes via the time and size of their KEROSENE deposits.
XP halvings
To prevent ''runaway'' XP positions on the leaderboard where top players have a monopoly on yield earnings, XP counts for all users are subject to halvings. Halvings are executed every 6 weeks, which means all users can expect XP decay of 96.8% over a period of 7.5 months (equally across the board). In other words: A new user is able reach up to 96.8% ''charge'' relative to their competiton in 7.5 months (all else equal).
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