What is XP? XP is a Note (NFT) metadata trait that grows every second depending on how much KEROSENE the Note has deposited. XP is bound to the Notes once they earn it (non-transferrable token), and slashed proportionally when KEROSENE is withdrawn, incentivizing long-term deposits without hard locks.

Why do i need XP? XP boosts your yield in the dyad ecosystem. For example: When a noteholder provides liquidity in the USDC/DYAD pool, their relative share of accumulated XP increases their KEROSENE yield in the pool. In other words: The XP system directs yield to those who have shown commitment, measured via the time and size of their KEROSENE deposits.

At what rate do I earn XP? XP is accumulated at a rate of .000000001 XP per KEROSENE deposited per second. How does XP affect my yield when i provide liquidity? You can find the current active XP multiplier on:https://merkl.angle.money/ethereum/pool/0x8B238f615c1f312D22A65762bCf601a37f1EeEC7

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